She Leaves an Incredible Legacy
Creator and founder of the amazing ViraFungal Fighter, Danielle L’Don, was born on December 25th, 1940 in the little village of Altwiller in Alsace, France. She later moved to Strasbourg, then on to London, Boston, Los Angeles, and lastly Orange County, where she lived for the past 40 years.
   After an international modeling career, she gave birth to her only child (that’s me!) in 1970, Danielle moved to Los Angeles and went to school to become one of the first licensed estheticians in California.
   She started her first business in North Hollywood in 1976 and soon after, created her own Danielle L’Don Natural Skin Care products based on her herbal knowledge from the farmland in Alsace, France. She created over 25 different
products and had four vibrant businesses in Orange County, CA, serving all who were looking for healthy, clean skin and personal care. Her last products were ViraFungal Fighter and ViraFungal Fighter for Pets.
   Throughout the years, I watched my mother pour her heart and soul into her work every day. She enjoyed helping people with everything related to living a healthy lifestyle. Her legacy lives on today, as I have taken over where she
left off. I remember a phrase my mother would always say to her clients, “Merci beaucoup et a ta santé.” With love and intention, I now carry on my mother’s legacy.